Know your Pepper Spray

Pepper Spray Training
Self-defense experts recommend practicing with your pepper spray product, so you’ll know exactly what to do if and when the time comes. Ensuring that you’ll be ready if your suddenly involved in a violent situation.


A good guideline is to test your self defense spray every 3 months. Go outdoors and determine which direction the wind is blowing. Remember, ALWAYS stand upwind from the direction that you are spraying. Press the firing mechanism for ½ second aiming a preset inanimate target…imagine that your spraying an attacker, repeat.

Tests and training should be performed when you purchase pepper spray and every 3 months after that.

NOTE: Testing obviously reduces the contents of your pepper spray product so you’ll need to replace the unit sooner or later. Don’t let your pepper spray run low, pepper spray is inexpensive so stock up.


Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is a powerful inflammatory agent, similar to Tear Gas (an irritant) except more powerful. Tear gas has a high level of toxicity
vs. OC pepper spray is totally non-toxic.

Is Pepper Spray Effective
It’s so effective, in fact, that now many personal defense experts say pepper spray and its related products are probably the most powerful and effective tool a woman can have in her self-defense arsenal.

Pepper Spray is Powerful
Pepper spray disables attackers by shooting a unique mixture of Oleoresin Capsicum and oil into the eyes and nose. Oleoresin Capsicum is an extract from peppers, the chemical that makes peppers hot. It’s so powerful that some would-be attackers may need an hour or more to recover.


Pepper Spray Symptoms
Getting hit with pepper spray the assailant will experience intense burning of the skin…especially the eyes, causing them to swell shut and burn excessively. Also, pepper spray effects the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and sinuses. When swelling occurs breathing becomes difficult.
